
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Justin Zabinski

20 year old fashion model Justin Zabinski is a high school graduate and has already loads of modelling experience under his belt.

Justin has the typical beach boy / surf boy looks with a lean muscular body, long blonde hair, blue/green eyes ... and he lives up to his looks! Justin enjoys the summer and getting as much surfing in as possible. He started surfing several years ago and developed a love for the sport and now it's pretty much all he thinks about. His favourite spots to surf are the beaches of the coast in Florida and California.

When not surfing Justin enjoys hanging out with his friends and "trying to get in as much trouble as he can".

Justin has modelled for some of the best photographers around: Michael Anthony Downs for and, Miami based Andy Armano and Bruce Weber. He did photo shoots for Rugby by Ralph Lauren, APC (France) and GQ Magazine (Germany). He’s also done fashion shows such as Tony Melillo show in NYC.